Hypnotherapy Testimonials

To comply with client confidentiality pseudonyms have been used to protect clients identity.

Hypnotherapy for self-harm - Miss FL

I just wanted to say a big thankyou to Karen for helping me with a bad habit I’ve acquired over the years. For comfort, I chew/bite the inner of my lips due to nerves.  I’ve been doing this since 2016, so after discussing my problem with a few friends, Karen came highly recommended. It can be daunting seeking help, but Karen has such a calming nature, as soon as we spoke on the phone I was at ease. We discussed what the best course of therapy would be and opted for Hypnotherapy.  I had my therapy off Karen on Friday 13/05/2022 and Karen made me feel most comfortable.  I have not bitten/chewed my lips since, over 100 days and counting. Proofs in the pudding, Karen’s fab! Thank you so much, it’s made such a big difference to my life.  Karen is your lady!    

Hypnotherapy for Nerves - Miss LC

For years I have struggled controlling my nerves at job interviews which has prevented me from getting promotions. Karen was recommended to me by a friend. Karen provided a free video call consultation. I felt very comfortable and relaxed talking to Karen from the first moment we spoke. She has a kind and comforting approach that instantly put me at ease. It was during the pandemic that I contacted Karen so we did not have the option to meet but she provided me with a recording to listen too. Karen also kept in regular contact with me checking on my progress which I was not expecting. This just shows how much Karen cares. I now have the promotion I desired and I used Karen's techniques throughout my interview and I was able to stay calm and in control for the first time in many years.
I would definitely recommend Karen to anybody considering hypnotherapy.

Sleep Hypnotherapy - Miss S

When my friend’s son tragically died, I realised just how altruistic and generous of spirit Karen really is.  Karen did not actually know my friend but demonstrated empathy to her situation and regularly asked for updates on her progress.  At one point I mentioned that she was not only grieving but was exhausted because she couldn’t sleep.  At this point she offered her help.  Gently offering but also understanding that it is a sensitive thing to offer help to someone who is grieving so told me to firstly reassure her this was support to help her sleeping pattern and that she was offering this free of cost as she was of the opinion that she needed help and support at such a horrible time in her life. My friend said she benefited almost immediately from the recording that was made for her. 

Hypno-Birth - Mrs D

I worked with Karen when I was heavily pregnant and a bit nervous about birthing my second child.  Karen listened to what I wanted. 
I felt very calm and peaceful after the first session and within 24hrs of the second session our little one was welcomed into the world through a quick, calm and medication free birth. From my experience I would certainly recommend Karen to other mums to be.

Confidential Hypnotherapy - Mrs CB

I asked Karen to help me with a confidential personal issue and she took me through the stages, explaining that she needed to gather information to personalise my hypnotherapy.  She reassured me with regard to confidentiality.  She then created a recording for me that took into consideration all the important aspects that we discussed, which demonstrated her listening skills as it surprised me how much detail she captured.  Before giving me the recording she did a one to one session to help me understand how to use it to get the best from it.  She set realistic timescales to expect results, which I did see.  There was an unexpected benefit, I found my sleep pattern also improved in terms of quality and time period.  The main reason I would suggest Karen is that she has such a calming voice that is like a piece of silky velvet enveloping, comforting and soothing you. 

Driving Test Nerves Hypnotherapy - Miss Y

I recently had multiple sessions of hypnotherapy with Karen to combat anxiety surrounding my driving test.
Karen was highly professional and talked me through what she was going to do before we began the first session, making me feel completely at ease before getting started. She also recorded the hypnotherapy so that I could listen to it at home and whenever I felt like
I needed it which was very helpful. I cannot recommend Karen's services enough and without her help I wouldn't have passed my driving test or even been able to attempt to re take it!

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy - Miss F

Having struggled with my weight most of my life, I decide I needed extra help, a friend of mine recommended Karen.  From the beginning she made me feel at ease, patiently listening to me and finding out what made me self harm.  I was eating Chocolate in abundance and gaining more weight which was life threatening.  We discussed trigger points and after 6 sessions of therapy I am now in control. 
I only eat when hungry, hardly touch Chocolates and have lost an amazing 30lb’s in several months. I am so happy with the new me,  more to go but next year I should be at my target weight and all thanks to Karen my new friend I couldn’t have done it without you. 

Childhood Neglect Hypnotherapy- Mrs I

After years of self doubt and insecurity, related to bad childhood memories, I decided to give hypnosis a try.  I met Karen and after 4 sessions of therapy I have managed to take control of my life and feel free, content, confident and so happy.

Relationship Hypnotherapy - Miss FB

After struggling with a difficult and controlling relationship I had a hypnotherapy session with Karen and a recording to listen too.  I made the right decision and am now extremely happy.  I also struggled with my weight and again sort hypnotherapy with Karen.  I have now joined a slimming group and lost 19llbs. Success again, thank you Karen for having such a positive effect.

Fear of Flying Hypnotherapy - Mrs C

I visited Karen as for years suffered serve anxiety over a fear of flying. With a long haul flight coming up to Jamaica to celebrate my mum’s 70th birthday this really was a trip of a life time. But my fears of flying 9 hours were simply crushing me. I had multiples sessions with Karen to help combat my fear, I felt so comfortable and at ease with Karen as she talked me through the process of hypnotherapy sessions. She also recorded me hypnotherapy which I could listen to before and during the flight. What can I say?  I went on holiday, flew a 9 hour flight with no problems what so ever!! I have since been away again and could not believe that I actually felt excitement instead of sheer dread! And now I am looking forward to a 3 week getaway at Christmas. I cannot thank Karen enough.

Motivation Hypnotherapy - Miss AB

I have tried many different techniques to improve my life and spent a lot of money doing so.  I had a free introductory session with Karen followed by a few hypnotherapy sessions and Karen also provided me with a recording to listen to.  Karen has motivated me to lose over a stone in weight, quit my draining job and set up my own business.  I would definitely recommend her.

Nail Biting - Miss M

I have bitten my nails for as long as I can remember and thought I would give hypnotherapy a try.  I only had one session with Karen but continued to listen to the recording she made me and over time I have been able to grow my nails for the first time ever.